For each window the window sticker right

When you are designing a communication campaign or advertising for a store, un ristorante o un grande magazzino uno dei supporti più utilizzati è la vetrofania, since it represents one of the solutions easier to convey information or decorate a transparent surface.

It can be elegant, sober, colorful, funny or classic, l’importante è create a window sticker ben studiata, both from the point of view of the care of the text and the images from the technical point of view. The partial coverage o total of a glass area It must always have as its primary objective of attracting the attention of passers.

Diaphanies internal or external ?

When you create a window sticker you must first decide how you want to accomplish, esistono infatti tre tipi principali di adesivi per vetrine: Internal vetrofania o External sticker.
All decals are made of adesivo in PVC specific for glass and flat surfaces that can be applied both inside and outside.

The Internal vetrofania viene applicata all’interno di un negozio/stanza per essere vista da chi è fuori e viene realizzata con unastampa speculare per consentire la visione corretta dall’esterno.
One of the most important characteristics of this material is the transparency, while printing color images decals admit light. Also decals are used mainly for internal use and commercial advertising medium long term because less susceptible to weather.

Le external window stickers They are realized with a further gloss lamination o matt offering greater protection against UV rays, facilitates installation and prolongs life, also thanks to the plastic coating is not likely to scratch the image with the spatula. They are mainly used for communications of short duration, such as the decoration of a window for a particular product or period, or to advertise discounts or balances.

Benefits of decals

The decoration of shop windows with a window sticker may be useful under different points of view:

  • rende riconoscibile un negozio e ne caratterizza l’immagine
  • It has the function of providing information
  • draws attention to a message-specific product

The use of custom decals is also a practical and fast both for temporary communications, such as balances, festivities, or for embellishments that requires a long exposure period, as it can be for example a decoration of a window of an office that offers shelter to those who work within.

Carica la tua grafica e stampa la tua vetrofania online!

On our store online puoi realizzare vetrofanie di alta qualità per il tuo negozio al miglior prezzo. Visita il sito, scegli le caratteristiche e carica la tua grafica!

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