always on the move Advertising? Easy with magnetic car stickers

When you think of advertising for their business must extend their thoughts to 360 ° and consider all the communication tools available.
For small activities that have a means of transport a solution to be evaluated is the use of adesivi magnetici. Questo particolare tipo di adesivo è indicato per l’applicazione su auto e furgoni in quanto aderisce a qualunque superficie metallica.

The adesivi magnetici They are constituted by a support made of magnetic material to which a PVC custom print is pasted. The great advantage of using this particular type of PVC adhesive It is given by its wide customization. It is indeed possible printing on magnetic panels of different colors, shapes and sizes offering a versatile and practical product.
Outside Print It offers through its thanks to the e-commerce platform the possibility to realize custom magnetic stickers con Eaves trim oppure contoured seguendo la linea della grafica.

The choice of 'adesivo magnetico It offers several advantages compared to a conventional adhesive cast for passenger cars since it allows quick and easy application and removal and may be used on different media. Inoltre le possibilità di utilizzo sono davvero numerose, scopri i nostri consigli nell’articolo su “Come ottenere il massimo dai tuoi adesivi magnetici“.

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