Each communication agency knows, per il cliente è necessario trovare il messaggio pubblicitario adatto e il supporto comunicativo giusto per ottenere la massima visibilità del proprio brand.
When the customer has one or more company vehicles it should also be discounted using the surfaces of the means of transport to make the company recognizable and launch actual advertising. For this purpose are used adhesives cast.
Adatto ad ogni tipo di clientela l’adhesive automotive cast, è perfetto per la grande azienda con un grande parco macchine come per il piccolo commerciante. The recognition of his vehicle is insured. Grazie agli stickers for vehicles si possono decorare e rivestire parti di carrozzeria con loghi, contacts, images and advertising.
Gli adesivi CAST per veicoli vengono sempre forniti di plastificazione specifica per vinile CAST che dona al prodotto una durata di 7 year old.
For the personalization of the car using a particular type of vinyl adhesive CAST It characterized by a very high deformability and no memory that allows it to be used for complete or partial decorations of any vehicle. This film is designed specifically for the car wrapping, since it allows to follow the curved profile of the bodywork with ease.
The particularity of the vinyl stickers cast is the possibility to also use them only for the aesthetic decoration of a vehicle.
Customize Your fleet of vehicles with CAST films. On the online store Outside Print è possibile ordinare online i tuoi adhesives CAST personalized with your own images.
Ogni adesivo cast può essere personalizzato, a seconda delle esigenze, con una sagomatura o un intaglio, tale da rendere la propria auto unica. Scegli infine la finitura (matt or gloss) e carica la tua grafica.
OutsidePrint if offers, with experience, professionalism and passion, As partners in advertising and communication agencies, media centers, tipografie, architecture studies, interior designer, industrial businesses and industry professionals, providing its graphic and production department, which digital printing service.
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