Staying on the subject vetrofanie, un altro prodotto molto utilizzato per la decorazione delle superfici vetrate è l’One adhesive way. It is a adesivo in PVC monomerico It characterized by a micro-texture that allows the vision from one side, that is one way.
La particolarità dell’adesivo oneway is given by special adhesive film perforated capable of filtering light within a room or vehicle without blocking the view outside.
It is a special adhesive film perforated that thanks to this particular characteristic allows the vision in one direction only. Utilizzando una serie di piccoli fori su una pellicola è possibile creare una soluzione grafica che permette di mostrare immagini verso l’esterno delle finestre di edifici o automezzi senza rinunciare alla trasparenza del vetro dall’interno.
Microdrilling reacts to the side with most lighting: day will allow the vision outwards and not towards the inside of a local, but during the night, if you have the lights on inside it will create the opposite effect. To solve the problem easily by simply installing a spotlight outside pointing image.
The adhesives are used one way in different situations:
The one way stickers for windows are often used to decorate windows and showcases of commercial premises.
The adhesive one way is used a lot for the decoration of cars and transport equipment. Generalmente gli adesivi one way vengono utilizzati sui mezzi pubblici per grandi campagne pubblicitarie o semplici messaggi promozionali, it is a quick way to change the look to their vehicle without damaging.
Il pvc utilizzato per la realizzazione degli adesivi one way offre una buona resa di stampa e può essere sagomato a seconda delle esigenze. La stampa può essere alta fino a 150 cm in modo da garantire in maniera semplice la copertura di grandi superfici.
Visita lo store online Outside Print and buy online your sticker One Way to a really good deal.
OutsidePrint if offers, with experience, professionalism and passion, As partners in advertising and communication agencies, media centers, tipografie, architecture studies, interior designer, industrial businesses and industry professionals, providing its graphic and production department, which digital printing service.
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