Categories: Miscellaneous

Roll-Up: instructions for use

Eccolo, finally he has arrived.

The courier has just delivered a package. E’ abbastanza grande quindi deduci che molto probabilmente non sarà ne il libro di tua figlia ne tanto meno il portachiavi di tua moglie.

And it is already arrived Him?

With the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas Day will fiondi to open the cardboard box just delivered. With great joy we start finding confirms that both were expecting; and he!

E’ arrivato il nuovo compagno di avventure, Your faithful companion to the exhausting trade shows, presentations and meetings, one who will anticipate your every word and help you win them all.

Your new espositore avvolgibile Roll-Up.

The first thing you see is the bag for transportation, comfortable and stylish.

Inside your Roll-Up already complete printer mounted in the aluminum structure due to its first installation service included.

What comfort!

But, you know how mounts printing on your Roll-Up?

I want to explain to you the fastest way to the Roll-Up Position should you need, so as to make easier the relationship with your new business partners.

How do you mount a print on the roll-UP?

  1. First you get the press and spread it.
  2. Locate the upper bar to the forceps and gently begins to pass the upper side of the press in its interior along its entire length.
  3. Once this step, roller printing starting from the upper gripper bar towards the underside. Be careful to roll it in a linear fashion to avoid wrinkling.
  4. Get the bottom edge and the aluminum foot. Extract the adhesive strip from aluminum foot and remove the protective paper.
  5. Combine the bottom edge of your print to the adhesive strip of the foot and with the help of a small Allen wrap the roll until no adhesive strip under the roller mechanism, so that it remains only in view of your print.
  6. Now the roller is working properly. To lock in the open position, once standing, uses the aluminum supporter bar supplied by applying it to the hooks on both the upper gripper bar is on the front foot.

With this basic knowledge on mounting a Roll-Up I hope I made it simple and clear his mechanical operation, so as to make more autonomous in its use during the professional adventures will face together from now on.

Ti aspetto su to choose the model that best suits your needs.

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