The art is a serious matter and we too Outsideprint we deal with our pictures, che però illustrano anche altri argomenti!
Cars and motorbikes and vintage details, depictions of urban and glimpses of some of the best-known cities in the world, celebrity movie, vintage advertising of Coca-Cola, Heroes comics, evocative images of sports and many other images not categorized!
Tutto questo viene stampato grazie alle stampanti giapponesi Mutho in HD su telo di cotone naturale trattato (di consistenza simile alla tela da quadro “canvas”) con telaio in legno da 30x20mm e su Kapa Plast, light panel with polyurethane foam core quality!
In addition to the arguments of the press, the dimensions are very different, da un piccolo 15×15 a un gigantesco 140×300!
What are you waiting to get a nice Picture to hang in your room!? Go to our E-shop, You'll find more of what you are looking!
OutsidePrint if offers, with experience, professionalism and passion, As partners in advertising and communication agencies, media centers, tipografie, architecture studies, interior designer, industrial businesses and industry professionals, providing its graphic and production department, which digital printing service.
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