Make the most of your stand with a custom wall banner

During fairs and events where you have the need to realize the 'setting up a stand it is important to devote proper attention to its preparation in order to create a cozy atmosphere and character to attract visitors.
Le exhibition walls are in effect part of the communication project of a company and for this reason they must be made by creating continuity with the exhibition context that is being created.

I Banner Wall They have the primary goal of creating a setting, a backdrop and provide a cozy area to visitors; lo stand è infatti uno spazio per ricevere potenziali clienti ed esporre i propri prodotti e servizi.

By using the 'display wall of OutsidePrint si ha a disposizione una parete in tessuto PVC/PET da 520 gr di240x240 cm customizable with your own graphics. The yield of the press is in high definition and with bright colors and is suitable for this reason a large-format prints of images and special graphics.
OutsidePrint stampa in grande formato numerous supports for the construction of exhibition stands and exhibition spaces as magnetic pop up, expobanner, exhibitors with velcro pop up and desk promozionali.

Uno degli obiettivi primari di OutsidePrint è quello di fornire ai propri clienti una gamma di prodotti facilmente trasportabili, assembled and disassembled to go against all the travel needs. Le attività che sono portate a frequentazioni partecipazioni a fiere ed eventi devono infatti essere attrezzate nella maniera più pratica possibile e per questa ragione la OutsidePrint offre una gamma di prodotti per exhibition stands Quick to assemble and disassemble in less than 2 minutes, small, easy storage and equipped with bags for more practical transportation.

I Banner Wall Exhibitors are also ideal for any promotional and advertising use, They are suitable for use even in stores and shopping centers as backdrops for window or partition walls.

Discover and buy online su OutsidePrint i Banner Wall and our range of fair exhibitors.

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