Are you organizing a big event? Check your essential kit for a stand that does not go unnoticed

Preparations for 'setting up a stand are often moments of great frenzy and ran, with this post OutsidePrint, Thanks to its experience in stampa digitale online, He wants to help in the organization and offer some sort of communication aids ceck-list necessary for a fair or congress.

When you attend an event the goal is to be known, and to do that it is important to be visible and recognizable. The use of fresh and clear corporate image is the very first starting point.

We discover the essential KIT set up stands and fairs

1. Prima dell’evento

Communication of its participation in an event begins before the event itself: warn your clients and contacts that will be present in a particular event by sending personalized messages, postcards and flyers inviting them to your booth.

2. stand construction

The second step is to study the exhibition space in order to find the right dimensions of communication aids, come i banner roll-up,en o fair exhibitors, depending on the size of the stand.

Allestire uno stand è un po’ come allestire una vetrina e si può dare ampio spazio alla creatività. Si potrebbero utilizzare supporti particolari come i pannelli in MDF per esporre i propri prodotti o far conoscere l’azienda, oppure banner roll up di dimensioni diverse e personalizzare il desk promozionale.

3. Your presence not only at the stand

Its presence at a trade show is not limited to the stand. Fatevi vedere anche in altri spazi utilizzando ad esempio adhesives walkable, adesivi e stickers oppure espositori flag and bandiere a goccia.

4. What happens after the fair?

If the objective of the fair is to introduce you to then go hand in hand also be remembered. Offer your visitors something that does not make you forget: a gadget personalizzato, a sticker with your brand, a shopper contenente la vostra brochure o catalogo sono tutti strumenti utili per mantenere un contatto con un nuovo potenziale cliente e fidelizzare chi vi conosce già.

Discover the site of OutsidePrint all the tools for customizing a booth and the corporate image of a company and ordinal online now.

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