Categories: Miscellaneous

Booklet binding with staple: an intelligent and cost-effective solution

Stai per presentare un nuovo prodotto o vuoi raccontare la tua azienda per una presentazione? Quello che fa per te è Stapled brochure printing.

With the application of two metal staples can be realized bindings up to 40 pages with paper of different weights based on the needs and style you want to give to your brochure.

Some useful tips for staple booklet printing

Per far si che il tuo opuscolo o brochure punto metallico, dopo la consegna, non venga gettato immediatamente nel primo cestino dietro l’angolo, it is good to set up graphics, an attractive design and a text written in order to respect some simple rules that can help you make it effective.

Infatti, the attention to the graphic aspect intrigues the reader, making it easier for him to read the written content.

Vediamo insieme qualche consiglio pratico.

  • High photographic resolution print: excellent print quality to give voice to your brand
  • Sharp colors on all types of paper: matte or glossy coated paper, choose between the different weights available, from 130g to 350 gr
  • Chiarezza e sintesi: write the essentials in order to keep the reader's attention high and not create confusion.

How to make staple booklet printing with Outside Print

Staple booklet printing in a simple way, veloce ed economico.

You can choose the format you prefer (A4,A5), the number of pages, la grammatura della carta, from the thinnest 90gr uncoated and from 130gr to 350gr to be used for the cover. In Addition To, you can choose a glossy or matte coated paper.

Delivery times are short and you can count on our staff for assistance with the graphic setup thanks to the graphic services of experts in the sector. Ti aspetto su,,en,,,en per questa ed altre numerose soluzioni per rendere il tuo business memorabile.

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