La tipografia al tempo di Erasmo da Rotterdam

Today we will talk about history and tell you how typographies worked at the time of Erasmus of Rotterdam,,it,which contributed to some innovations in the field of printing including the introduction of italics and apostrophe,,it,what were,,it, famoso esponente dell’Umanesimo cristiano, che contribuì ad alcune innovazioni nel campo della stampa tra cui l‘introduzione del corsivo e dell’apostrofo. At the time of Gutenberg and Erasmus of Rotterdam printers they were handled by the masters Read more…

Double sided easel

Today we will talk about one of the most versatile products of our entire catalog, the double sided Easel. Also called frame gantry, It has a fastening system for printing at step they should be to insert the advertising poster isolated externally by a transparent sheet on protective PVC. And’ perfect Read more…

prespaziati stickers

Present Day, After the historical and specialized articles in recent days, we will talk about a simpler but still interesting product, The stickers Prespaziati! Printed on top adhesive vinyl Avery Dennison range and suitable for multiple uses, gli adesivi intagliati sono ideali per scritte o loghi da applicare su qualunque tipologia di vetro Read more…