Mini X Custom Banner

Oggi parleremo di un articolo molto poco conosciuto ma molto utile e particolare, the Mini X Custom Banner, too understated but always much appreciated by those who trust! Display for banner miniature completely transparent plastic, è perfetto in tutte quelle occasioni dove non c’é disponibilità di spazio ma Read more…

Stickers Outdoor

Adhesives are many and varied and the methods for printing are even more but today we will talk about a type that stands out among all: Adhesives Outdoor. Stampato con inchiostro a base di eco-solvent su vinile polimerico, after printing the adhesive is allowed to rest 24 hours. Passato questo tempo Read more…


Today's article will be an article very particular as parlere an article on our e-commerce but Outsideprint directly! Outsideprint, born in 2013 from an idea of ​​Dr. Marco Bishops stems from pre-existing reality of Outside, company that unlike Outsideprint, che si occupa di praticamente Read more…

Stand Multifunction

Today we will talk about a particular exhibitor, a product is not cheap but of excellent quality and the endless possibilities exhibition! We are talking of the stands Multifunction, un espositore monofacciale o bifacciale con sistema di pali allungabili a secondo della stampa da esporre e con piedi di sostegno. Possible uses can be: wall advertising, Read more…