Roll-up of various types

Present Day, differently than usual will not talk about a single product but a very broad category, that of the Roll-up! All of these have the particularity: take up little space but offer a large exhibition space could Your are generally contained in a medium-sized bag! The models are quite varied, ma i Read more…

Banners coated

Today we will discuss banners, but not to any but those banners coated! Primarily fall into two categories quite different between them: the banner coated laminate 450 grams, with different finishes, and with the ability to print a single piece 260×1000 e oltre con termosaldatura e Read more…

Signs advertising

After the many topics covered here, Today we will talk about what at first glance does remember better a business: Insignia! Available in many sizes, by a small 50×50 to a dignified 200×150 of “series” with the possibility of obtaining even of custom measurements contacting! Oltre alle dimensioni cambia anche Read more…

70 posters×100

Today we will discuss all the possible variants of the 70 posters×100 and what you can find on our ecommerce! All our posters 70×100 can be printed both on paper and on paper White Blue Back Back, con le naturali conseguenze della maggiore qualità e prezzo della seconda e Read more…

Types of Diamonds

Oggi parleremo di alcune delle varie sotto-categorie dei Quadri presenti nel nostro e-shop! We start from the Urban category, che tratta di fotografie in ambiente urbane e scorci di città, all printed on two different materials, canvas and kataplast and printed with printers Mutho! Una delle altre categorie interessanti é quella Auto, che tratta di Automobili, Read more…